Monday, June 16, 2008

Our First Cavity!

How can there be anything wrong with that smile? Well, there is and it's a doozy!

A couple of weeks ago, this little girl told me that her tooth in the back of her mouth was hurting. As I tried to get a good look at her back molar, it looked to me like there was food stuck. So, we tried brushing really, really good to get it out. It seemed to look better but she complained about it hurting the rest of the day.

The next day she said it felt fine and didn't complain again. She is 6 years old so she has never been to the dentist. When she was complaining about the tooth, I figured I probably should take her in to get it checked out and have her first cleaning. But, because she didn't complain anymore, I was in no rush.

Well, last Thursday, the dentist called me to schedule my next appt. for a cleaning with my oldest. I said that I was wanting to get Sydney's tooth checked out first and she told me they had an opening that day. Great! I took it.

We went in and it wasn't long before they were showing me the x-ray and the enormous cavity in her 6 year molar.

They said the cavity was so large and so close to her nerve that they had to send me to a Ped. dentist because she will need an equivalent to a root canal. WHAT?!! (I don't think I actually said that, but the look on my face did).

Of course, the dentist asked me about sugar and candy and juice. Thankfully, I could give a big fat no to all of that. We do not allow hardly any sweets in our home. My kids drink water 90% of the time.

Also, the person who cleaned her teeth said that she had hardly any plaque on her other teeth. All the other teeth were perfectly healthy. And, the weird thing is that she just got these 6 year molars only a couple months ago! They told me that occasionally you can have a tooth come in bad. Also, she has very deep grooves in her teeth that are hard to reach with a toothbrush. In fact, they put sealants on 3 of her other teeth to avoid any future cavities.

So, we are going to the ped. dentist at 1:30 today for a consultation and then we will see where we go from there. I am not looking forward to any course of action that is going to be needed.

My husband's brother had an almost identical incident when he was this age. After talking to my mother-in-law, I have a good idea of what to expect. It doesn't sound any fun to me at all!

Please keep her (and me) in your prayers. I will keep you updated.


Anonymous said...

My seven year old nephew just had this done as well! What a bummer! Sorry Sydney!

Mom Knows Everything said...

My son had dental surgery when he was two. It's not fun, but it had to be done and he was fine.

Homeschoolin' hot-rodders said...

Aww thats aweful!1st trip to the dentist and its a doosey :( We will be praying for both of you as that is just no fun!


lifelaughterchaos said...

dakota had a cavity on his 1st trip to the dentist! i was devestated because I have no cavities! it was on his 12 year old molar (or some old age molar. so we had to get it crowned!!! they insisted that if we just had it filled it would break before his tooth fell out.

So now my son has a $700 tooth that he will lose in about 5 years. nice.

Cassie - Homeschooling Four said...


I also have never had a cavity and my older kids haven't yet either. So, I was very surprised with the news. It stinks!


Micka said...

Check out this site
Adout 6 months ago my family was dealing with som dental issues. While searching for some natural remedies on the net I came upon her site. I called her that mommet and left a message for her to call me. To my surpris 2 hours later she returned my call. That night she stayed on the phone with me for 1 hour.At the end she promised to send me some things in the mail.
2 weeks later I recieved her package of goodie and started our family's new journy. I've been fallowing her advice and to my surprise it worked. My son's teeth are getting stornger and my DH's bad build-ups had vanished. we are still using her system and we have a dental visit comming up. I can't wait to shoe off all our new teeth.