For great deals at more stores, be sure to check out the
Grocery Gathering @ BeCentsable***HOT COUPON ALERT***
There is a $5/40 coupon in the Publix ad this week. The coupon is good thru July 30th, so be sure to grab enough coupons for the next couple of months.
There is also a coupon in the Winn-Dixie paper for a $25 GC with a new or transferred prescription. You can use this coupon at Publix too. But, act quick the coupon is only good from 5/2/-6/3!!
Here are my grocery shopping deals for this week:
Old El Paso Dinner Kit (bogo @ $2.67/2)
$1/2 PrintableMakes them $.83 a box
Pompeian Olive Oil 16 oz (bogo @ $6.99/2)
Use 2
$1/1 printableMakes them $2.50 a bottle
Post Cereal (bogo @ $3.79/2 - includes Pebbles 13 oz, Honey Bunches of Oats 13-18 oz or Honey-Comb 13.5-14.5 oz)
If you haven't already, you can use 2
$2/1 printableMakes them both free plus overage
Pillsbury Moist Supreme Cake Mix (bogo @ $1.69/2)
Use 2 $.35/1 from rp 5/18
Makes them $.49 a box
Orville Popping Corn (bogo @ $2.67/2)
Use 2 $1/1 from ss 4/27
Makes them $.33 each
Blue Diamond Almonds (bogo @ $3.19/2)
Use 2 $1/1 from ss 5/18 or $1/3 from ss 3/9
Makes them $1.09 or $1.26 (when you buy 6) a piece
Bumble Bee Prime Fillet Tuna 4-pack (bogo @ $6.99/2)
Use 2 $1/1 from ss 2/3
Makes them $.62 a can
Here is another interesting deal to take note of:
Spend $20 on "Ready to Serve" ConAgra Foods and receive a $25 GC to Home Depot. The ad is not real clear on exactly which products are participating or if this has to be all on 1 receipt. It does state that the deal is good from 5/29/08 - 6/29/08.
It also states that for details, see your store.
I will be going in tomorrow and will find out more details. According to the picture below the ad, these are the participating products I see:
Chef Boyardee (on sale 10/$10)
Crunch 'n Munch
Fiddle Faddle
Vienna Sausage
Peter Pan Peanut Butter
Hebrew National Beef Franks
Slim Jim
Snack Pack
Van Camp's Beans
Here are the other bogo items with no coupons:
Thomas English Muffins ($2.99/2)
Welch's Naturals Juice Drink 6-pk or 10 oz ($3.49/2)
Del Monte Fresh Cut Canned Veggies ($1.13/2)
Ken's Steak House Marinade ($2.79/2)
Quaker Cereal ($4.61/2 - includes Cap'n Crunch 20.7-22 oz, Life 21 oz, Squares 16 oz)
Pillsbury Moist Supreme Cake Mix ($1.69/2)
Mueller's Pasta ($1.39/2)
Yoo-hoo ($5.79/2)
Honey Maid Grahams ($4.09/2)
Hershey's Cookies ($3/2)
Hershey's Miniatures ($3.19/2)
Town House or Club Crackers ($3.69/2)
Kellogg's Eggo Waffles
Nestle Toll House ($3.29/2)
Simply Mashed Potatoes ($2.67/2)
Kellogg's Nutri-Grain Bars ($3.69/2)