We had 2 vehicles there, so I had to drive myself 30 minutes home at around 10 p.m. Luckily, I made it all the way home without a problem. Things only got worse once I was home. I continued on the vomiting parade until about 3:30 in the morning. The strangest thing to me though was the lack of naseau and the intense sharp pains in my abdomen and chest area. By 7:00 that morning, I had been vomit free for 3 1/2 hours but I was still experiencing the pain. So, we decided it would be best to go to the hospital and make sure everything was o.k.
They ran every test needed and by 4 p.m. yesterday, they said everything looked fine and they had no idea where the pain came from. By then, the pain had been gone for a while and I was feeling much better, so I headed out.
Luckily, I got out of there just in time to head to the polls and get my vote in. Here I am with my hospital bands still on and looking my best :)
Some people will do anything for attention - and it was probably the burgerking you had for dinner.
love you
Oh friend... I'm glad your feeling better!! You actually look pretty cute in that second picture! :)
Love you! Jen
Glad you are feeling better. My girlfriend was throwing up really bad all day and still got to the polls too. Wow, are we dedicated or what?!
I'm not really overly concerned with your vomiting, I just need you to get busy with the publix ad for this week!!!!
Oh my goodness, Amanda and Andrea are so funny!! I keep checking back for the Publix ads too!! haha.. They need to have blogs so we can get a good laugh every day!
Jen--If I wrote my own blog I wouldn't have time to read everyone else's even though I do have a lot to say!!!!
Cassie--seriously, PUBLIX!!!!What are you waiting for???I wish I had a good 24- 48 hour bug so I could drop at least 6-25 lbs. !!!!!!!
What a trooper you are! I'm glad you're feeling better!
Prayed for you...glad everything is ok! Looking forward to our meeting tonight. Assuming everyone here stays well I will be there.
You poor thing!! Hope you are feeling much better today!!
Wow - what a yucky day for you! I thought I had the flu bad, but you def. win! Sooo....what should I buy at Publix this week :)?
So glad to hear that you are doing better and I am praying that you continue to stay well! And, I am in agreement with Jen, I looked at those pictures and was thinking how good you looked after going through so much! Love you! Please, please let me know if you need anything!
I know I speak for more than just myself when I say enough with the happy thoughts and well wishers...I'm still waiting on publix!!!! :)
People enough with all the sympathy she was throwing up because she ate 3 whoppers w/cheese 2 large fries, onion rings and a chocolate shake - no wonder she was throwing up - it was self induced once she realized all the calories in that meal.
love amanda
so glad you could still vote!
you are a brave woman for posting a post vomiting picture!
I am so glad you rushed to vote, not that is mattered in the end. Way to be dedicated though.
Glad your feeling better..I have sprayed down the guest room with lysol and thrown away your tooth brush. I am hoping me getting it are lower odds than Mccain winning the election.
Andrea and Amanda,
Do you have anything better to do with your time? :)
Don't worry, the Publix post is up now and Amanda, wait till you see what I post next for attention. You know, people will act negatively just for attention :)
Any of you that said I look "cute" after vomiting are now my best friends!
You are hilarious! I'm glad you cleaned everything.
Look at you being all courageous with that first photo! And just to think...you complained about that cute picture of the both of us that "I" liked and wanted to post. And I was nice :)
Well, I guess a flu and hospital gown are good excuses for a bad picture! Glad you are feeling better. And I am even happier that I didn't catch it (yet?!?!)
Glad it is behind you now. I heard some of the queues were long, hope you didn't have that problem too?
Glad to hear you feel better now. I have to tell you that something similar happened to me the summer of 2007. After a few of these episodes, it was discovered I had Gal stones and had to have my Gal Bladder removed. Keep that in mind if you have another episode!
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