Well, I have officially decided to wait until next week to start schooling at home. Their first day of school will be this Friday at the program I am teaching at. Then, we will start our own curriculum on Monday. So, 1st day of school followed by the weekend. How cool am I?
I have spent yesterday and today preparing things for homeschooling. I already had the curriculum and had a basic idea of what I wanted to do. But, we started to put a little structure to that plan yesterday.
Today, I sat down with the girls and gave them each a sheet of paper where they could write their own personal goals for the school year. I also wrote my own list of goals for them for the school year. When daddy got home, we went over all the list and adjusted where he saw a need.
Morgan's List
In case you can't read all that, it says learn alphabet in cursive, do school every 5 days (she means 5 days a week), do multiplication better, do devotions, do astronomy, listening better, keep desk clean and organized (that's my girl!), don't play (apparently all fun must stop when school starts), go to library every week, don't be mad when doing school, learn self-control, read more often, learn gymnastics.
Avery's List
You may notice a slight difference in the type of things on this list. She is my dyslexic child and if she messes up, just scribbles through and starts over. Her list includes: play jeopardy (this is a game in one of her classes at Foundations), be polite to boys (hopefully not too polite), learn astronomy, have self-control, reading better, stop asking for telescope (I love that this is a goal - by the way, she's getting one for her birthday), do chores better, be obedient, listen to teacher, be nice, help clean, don't be careless, learn gymnastics, don't use pizza card (this is also for the Foundations class. She wants to save some of her pizza).
Sydney's List
Simple and Sweet, just the way I like it. Her lists reads: read better, spelling, math, hand writing (apparently!!), listen (I'm assuming to me), playing nice.
And, here is my list for them
I'm not going to type everything on mine. It's not nearly as funny and if you really want to know what it says, just click on the picture to enlarge.
I also put together a tentative weekly schedule.
I am going to start this year splitting the school hours between morning and afternoon. I hope this goes well. We'll see. I'm sure there will need to be some minor adjustments as we get into a groove.
We also spent a little time passing out new school supplies.
I say new, but I really mean free from CVS or $.01 from Staples. It was all the same to them though and it definitely helped to draw out some excitement over Largaespada school.
So, tomorrow we are going to spend some time clearing out their school desks and re-stocking them with our new supplies.
This is Morgan's Desk
These are the desks for the other 3
A good sign for me is that they keep asking when we are going to start school and if we are going to start tomorrow. Usually they are trying to talk me out of starting school. I think having the schedule and new things are getting them a little anxious.
So, here's to a good 2008-2009 school year!!
Boy, math is reall important to you, it's like in every box!
I love the personal goals written by the girls. What an awesome idea! If Annalise had a goal sheet, it would probably say: snack, craft, snack, play on chalkboard, snack, and never do reading and writing.
Oh, and the room looks great!
Love the goals! Even though we don't homeschool I think that could be something valuable for us as a family. Might have to give it a try! Hope you have a great first day!
I've always wanted to home school Aurora, but since she's starting high school this year she quickly vetoed that suggestion. LOL
I noticed you have written down math a lot. It couldnt' have anything to do with really liking it like I do could it????? HaHa I just love teaching math. I guess that's why I HAD to become a math teacher.
(AKA Mrs. Mason)
Oops. I forgot to mention that that was an awesome idea to have the kids write down their goals too. I think I might steal that idea if you don't mind.
Be Blessed,
Like the kids personal goals, maybe I should do this--I would love to see what my kids would write.
I did not see anywhere on your schedule a time for science???? Did I miss that?
what curriculum do you mostly use---I love asking people what they like and don't like--getting the pros and cons from other homeschoolers on various curriculum is always helpful :)
Science, History and Bible all fall under the title PGO. These are activities that build on what they learn on Fridays. On Fridays there will be 6 subjects taught (Science, History, Bible, Music, Drama, Art). The teachers supply PGO's (Personal Growth Opportunities) for each subject for each week. That is what I will be using for my curriculum in those subjects.
So, the only purchased curriculum I will be using at home is Saxon for Math (the only kind I like) and a Lang. Arts book.
I have one son that loves Saxon--the other hates it and prefers abeka--funny how different kids can be. My one that likes saxon says that the abeka is too colorful and the colorfullness distracts him--the other loves the color and hates the blandness of the saxon...just so funny how different 2 siblings can be :)
Let us know how the day split works! I love seeing curriculums!!
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