Sunday, November 25, 2007

Schooling through the Holidays

Doing school in the midst of the busy season is not an easy task. There are a couple of things I will try to remember in the middle of it. I want to be sure that I don't use the busyness as an excuse to throw my children in front of the t.v. and call it a day. I want to remember the true reason for the season and remind my kids as well. I want to remember that one of the true joys of homeschooling is the flexibility and the options to use real life activities as learning experiences. For instance, on Thanksgiving Eve, my girls all helped me bake the apple pies for the following day. In doing so, we reviewed reading, following directions, measurements, multiplication and history. We all had a great time! This is saying a lot for me because I don't usually do very well with things not being done exactly right and the mess that most often accompanies the kids cooking. It was definitely one of those days where I felt the success of homeschooling instead of the stress and uncertainty. I hope I continue to keep these things in mind as we get closer and closer to Christmas.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Cassie - I had to stop by when I saw you started a blog page. I'm so proud of you for baking with your girls!
