All of his sisters were gone and I told him to get himself dressed. Should I have expected anything else? I especially like the way he layered the long and short sleeved shirt (it was a high of 80 degrees). BTW, his explanation was that all three pieces of clothing had blue in them. Hmmmmm....
For more Wordless Wednesday posts, check here and here.
Sometimes I wish I had labels that say, "I dressed myself" for when my daughter makes particularly ecclectic choices but mostly I'm glad she takes care of this task on her own. I sometimes document the choices, too.
OH, he did great, he looks adorable.
He's a cutie!
I think he looks so handsome!
Too funny! My three year old has been dying to wear short sleeve shirts lately! Every single time I try to let her pick, she goes for short sleeves and I have to stop her.
I bet he did a better job than daddy would of, my husband is always well I don't know what he is thinking when he dresses our kids.
that's quite some sense of style he's rockin'! ;)
happy ww!
I love your tag line! We homeschool also and this week, the WW photo is our algebra "class".
He found a theme. That should count for a lot.
Lol...too cute! He used some great logic there.
I think he did a pretty good job. You should see my kids when my husband dresses them. Scary!
Looks good to me! *wink*
I don't think that's bad at all for his first time!! He is a cutie!
Pretty good job , I'd say!
Hi, first time visitor here and attracted by the title of your post! I remember when my son was 3 and dressed himself and I just love the logic involved--like what your son said about the blue. And my name is Cassie too! :) My wordless is on my main blog, This That
I think he looks very spiffy. My three year old won't dress himself, yet. We're working on it.
My 3 year old loves dressing himself too but it usually involves raiding his brother's or daddy's closets.
He is too cute, I guess he will have to depend on you and the girls now and he will be one of those husbands that needs his wife to lay out his cloths!
Hey, at least he had reasoning behind it! Bray does this EVERY day! He's constantly wearing multiple shirts and changing his shorts! oh my!
I think he did a pretty darn good job!
I think he looks awesome - he did a great job! Kudos to him!
Not so bad! Look- he has blue in everywhere item of clothing he's wearing. I think he's getting the whole color coordinating thing pretty good for a 3 year old! Kudos to him for doing such a 'good' job! =) Okay, so shorts might be a little 'chilly' but who cares, right?!
I've seen worse! He looks very proud of himself!
I think he looks AWESOME!!! Way to go, Jordan!
Kiss him for Mimi!
Hey, he looks great! Happy WW!
I think he did alright. It could've been worse. Much worse.
Oh, I think this is adorable!! Great WW!
At least he's not wearing his sisters clothing. At least he was trying to color coordinated. My 3 year old doesn't dress himself yet. Really, he doesn't care what clothes I put on him. We are working on the dressing himself thing, though.
The color logic is used by my husband when he dresses my kids and he is 35. I never let him do it anymore. It was too scary the outfits he would come up with and then say "Well, they are all red!" :)
He looks cute
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